The three Venezuelan founders

Amazonia Arroyo
Amazonia used to help her Mum in her small restaurant. That’s where she learnt how to cook Venezuelan style. Learning from her mum and her grandmother.
When she was at school she made her own butter biscuits in the holidays to have some incomes. Her customers were her mum’s friends. It was her first small business.
Now she is using all this knowledge to build Arepa’s Station. Mixing two important ingredients her love for flavours and her passion for communication.
She’s also doing a Degree in Journalism at the University of Westminster, so she puts her social media sorcery to work on the Station’s branding and build and arepa lovers community in Cambridgeshire.

Ivan Centeno
One Christmas Ivan borrowed some money from his Mum and set up a market stall selling fireworks. That lit the blue touch paper on his career as a sales executive in Venezuela.
In 2014 he moved to Cambridge to study English and worked in a Thai restaurant to fund his studies. He then became Assistant Manager at the British Red Cross Shop, but the Red Cross couldn’t save him. He’d been bitten by the food bug and in 2016 he set up his own food stall in Cambridge market.
He manages the operational side of Arepa’s Station. In order to serve an arepa from our market stall or food truck, so many things have to happen first.

Renny De Freitas
Reny’s Dad is actually Portuguese, but he moved to Venezuela in his childhood. And decided to set up a bakery selling Portuguese specialities in Valencia. Reny has inherited the ‘itchy feet’ and ‘home cooking’ genes that led his Dad to move abroad and recreate the taste of home there.
After studying Economics in Valencia and do a Master of Marketing and Sales in Madrid, Reny moved to Cambridge and worked at the Varsity Hotel while he was learning English.
Then he worked as an analyst for two years before committing to Arepa’s Station full time.
He likes to measure everything and says that numbers don’t lie. He’s in charge of our finances and always on the lookout for new business opportunities. When we started the business, he didn’t know how to make arepas, but now he can make them better than anyone else.
Our team

Maria Ocanto
Production Chef

George Solo
Customer Service

Yekuana Arroyo
Community Manager

Luis Diaz
Customer Service
Join our Team
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